Saturday, April 21, 2007

A trip

I just took a mental trip to 1998 when I went on my first trip to Israel. It was a mission trip with the Jewish National Fund. They paid for most of my trip and I just had to supplement my airfare. The only catch was that I had to get on and off a bus to look at 50 water reservoirs and was to be hit for a donation later in the trip.

The trip was spectacular from the start. I met some new friends--not everlasting, developed a crush, landing a boyfriend with another guy at the end of the trip and left with amazing memories.

Today I was reading my local Jewish paper and noticed a celebration for Israeli Independence day going on later in the month. Instead of a pony ride, they are having camel rides. The camel picture transported me back to my Israel trip when our group went to spend the night in the dessert with some bedouins.

During the late afternoon, they offered camel rides to the group. I wanted to go but had some fear. Not fear of riding the camel, but fear of smelling like one afterwards. It was cold during the day and later as the son set and temperatures reached below zero we weren't exactly going to shower. They did have shower stalls in a separate area that was in a noninsulated structure with no hot water. And, did I mention it was freezing? But after the ride, there was a big dinner around a fire and everyone went directly into the tent to sleep with the entire group. I just couldn't spare the thought of smelling like horse crap while trying to sleep on a mat. Dirty horses and camels smell the same--sorry.

Gazing back at the picture of the camel in the Jewish paper made me think I need to conquer a new fear. Sort of like crossing out items on your list of things to do before you die. I think there is a camel ride in my future. Heck, I'll be 20 minutes away from home and shower after.


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