Friday, August 18, 2006

Politics and Healthcare

I have a rant about politics and healthcare. With the election nearing, I'm so tired of hearing candidates and current office holders rambling about issues such as abortion and gay marriages.

Why doesn't anyone address real issues like the rising costs of health insurance, medical care and other insurance? Who cares what goes on behind closed doors between two people romantically? Do I see any politicians fighting for abused women and children getting beat up behind those shut doors? No, they are more concerned with sexual orientation and what their religion has to say about it. What's next? Telling married couples how they can have sex and in what position is religiously acceptable?

And, I'm sorry, but abortion doesn't affect everyone. It's a personal decision. I care more about healthcare that does affect everyone. Who is changing the rising costs of medical care? Who is fixing insurance companies who are charging super high rates for coverage, when they keep lowering what they cover and slimming down the medicines they cover? Most people can't even afford it and go without it--which creates more issues.

Who is regulating the companies and allowing them to stop covering needed prescription medicines, as they tell those they cover to buy OTCs. Well, if OTCs worked, then we wouldn't have a need for prescriptions would we?

It's sad that everyday working people and their children can't afford to go to a doctor when they are sick. Socialization isn't exactly the answer either, unless the problems of it are fixed.

And the choices of insurance companies for small businesses is slim to none. I'd like to see a politician with a backbone take care of these issues. It's not a new problem, but it's one that in the last 15 years has gotten worse. It can't keep getting ignored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wild Applause.

7:50 PM  

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