Sunday, July 09, 2006


I used to be a granny panty type of gal. Well, that is, from the time I could wear big-girl panties until my college years. Heck, I didn't care, and besides, I'm all about comfort. I don't like little, tiny uncomfortable undergarments. Did I mention my extreme modesty?

In college I got sassier and switched from the cotton to the satin and silk variety. I even owned some high cut french styles that were popular. Eventually, I settled into all the different bikini styles. They aren't granny panties, but they aren't crotch riding either. It's funny how most guys consider hipster, bikini undees grandma-ish. No worries. I'm happy.

But then, came the hot,green velor, body fitting sweat outfit. I had reached a point of muscular tone definition and flatter stomach than I had in a long time in my life, and I bought it. I'm used to wearing baggier styles, but I was trying to get outside the box. The bottoms hugged the tush just so, and I wondered if my pantylines would show. Way in the past, I never thought about pantylines showing until a friend at work started pointing it out to me. Man, I must have done my fair share of embarrassing pantyline no-nos and was so unaware. Sort of like putting on black underware and slipping on thin, tight white pants.

I put on my new outfit, and sure enough, when I turned around, my butt was outlined in all its glory and looked neatly wrapped in my underware. You could trace the panty outline--including the crotch lining. Oy. I tried on another pair of underware and still no good. I tossed it aside and decided to ask the girls at the salon later that day to get their suggestion as I got my nails done. I should have guessed their solution. "Commado" they unnamamously nodded. Wha, ha, what?? I can't wear no panties. I'm a double protection type of gal. Thankfully, soon after, I discovered some boyshort undees. They were perfect and you couldn't see the outline. By the way, I have ventured into t-backs but if you wear the wrong pants and don't look carefully, you can see the outline of the t-backs too, and I don't want people knowing what undees I'm wearing. Afterall, they aren't outerware!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the boy cuts but psst I'm with the girls at the salon. Commando is the answer at times.

12:11 AM  

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