Friday, November 12, 2004

Addiction of Coffee and Ice Cream

I don't know about any of you, but everyday I take a drug approved by the FDA and sold in all grocery stores--caffeine. I know why people are suing the tobacco companies, but shouldn't the coffee-caffeine and soda addicts jump on board with a suit of their own? I'm officially hooked. Shouldn't coffee containers bear a warning label too?

Of course, a coffee addiction isn't life threatening, unless you consider verbal threats a coffee addict might spew to a passerbyer if they haven't had their daily cup-of-Joe. But, this addiction does have physical and emotional affects.

Without my daily cup of coffee I'm cranky, I may snarl or growl while passing you (and in my car with the windows up, I may add some expletives). Last,if I don't get my fix I'll start developing a nasty headache--definitely having a negative affect on my quality of life.

Along with coffee, I've gotten just as crazed with a new brand of chocolate chip mint (low fat) ice cream I've discovered. It should also come with its own warning label: step away from the carton as overindulging will make you fat. There's got to be a hidden drug in the ingredients.

Every night before I go to bed I'm compulsed to have a scoop or two of it or else! I'm sure years later, a scientific discovery will come out (or a memo from the company's own research department) that the mint, contained in the ice cream was actually the exact molecular structure of heroin but with mint flavor added. I know admittance is the first step. "I'm an addict."


Blogger Esther Kustanowitz said...

It's not the mint, sweetie. It's the chocolate. Chocolate=heroin. It's just a fact. Just ask we New Yorkers, because we know everything. Keep up the good blog!

5:55 PM  

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